No Return

Scripture Reading - Hebrews 11:14-16 Murdock

14 Now they who say thus, show that they seek a city.
15 But if they had been seeking that city from which they came out, they had opportunity to return again and go to it.
16 But now it is manifest that they longed for a better [city] than that, [namely,] for that which is in heaven. Therefore God did not refuse to be called their God; for he prepared for them the city.

The article today is just a reminder to all Christians that God has called us into a new way of life. Yes, when we put on the Name of Christ as Christians that is supposed to mean we are representatives of Jesus Christ. We (ihlcc) see far too many Believers following the ways of the world doing things according to human reasoning and selfish inclinations. They don’t realize when you do things the old way you are mentally and spiritually saying I am returning back to Egypt. We know in the Old Testament the Children of Israel were marvelously rescued from the hard bondage of Egypt through the Hand of Lord working with the guidance of Moses, the man of God. This brought God both glory and persecution because many Israelites were double minded. At first the Israelites praised God for Him intervening on their behalf. However, when Pharaoh brought immediate resistance to God’s Plan by increasing the labor of the Israelites many Israelites complained and accused Moses of being no help at all. Moses also became discouraged but continued to seek God’s Will and opened himself up to God’s Ways. Side Note: It is always a process to learn God’s Ways because it takes time and experience to watch (learn, understand) how He works in your individual life and the lives of those around you. As Moses (Aaron) and God continued to do mighty acts in the land both the Israelites and the Egyptians could see God was taking actions into His Own Hands because He wanted His will to be done in that situation and God was going to do it a certain way. During the great deliverance the Children of Israel praised God and closely followed His Divine direction. However, right after being delivered from the Egyptians the same Children of Israel whom God saved started complaining about their circumstances (their so called lot in life) and they even thought about returning to Egypt. Although returning to Egypt was not an option in God’s Plan the devil deceived many Israelites into thinking it would be better and it would be OK with God (No penalty to pay). Thus, the problem with looking back when you should be looking forward. This travesty is still occurring today because many Christians were pulled out of darkness when they became Children of Light but they chose to keep doing things the way they done them for years gone by without careful consideration of God’s Law (God’s Word). Notice Colossians 1:13 Good News Bible, “He rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us safe into the kingdom of his dear Son”. When the Gracious Father God and the Lord Jesus removed us from darkness they had three primary things in mind. The first was to bring you into the Kingdom of God’s Love by showing you personally how to live a better life. Secondly, and just as important God brought us (pulled us, translated us) out of sin. Yes, the bondage of sin is death because if you continue to follow the ways of the devil you will ultimately end up in hell with the devil. Thirdly, “NO RETURN”. The Father God and Lord Jesus showed us a better more productive way of life that breeds God’s peace and happiness but the key is you must cooperate with God’s Word (The Holy Bible) to learn of God’s Ways (the prompting of the Holy Spirit). However, if many Christians believe that they can act like the old man and follow their flesh or human reasoning they will not experience the peaceful happy life God intended. Acting according to the old nature is looking back to Egypt and if you constantly do this no deliverance from God will be achieved or sustained. Yes, we (ihlcc) see far too many Christians walk the way of the flesh by making decisions based on the circumstances in front of them instead of seeking God’s Word to know what God already said about the situation. Yes, our All-Knowing Father has an answer for everything but it is up to us to acknowledge Him in all our ways so He can direct our path. This is why we think it is very important not to return to your old nature by not trusting in God on a daily basis and acknowledging God in all your ways according to Proverbs 3:5,6 KJV which states, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Yes, for the New Testament Christian returning back to Egypt is not a literal place but rather a spiritual position in God. We are encouraged to not look back to the former days when we didn’t know the Goodness of God. We are told to keep pressing forward with Jesus enduring hardness as a good soldier. Some born-again believers think that studying God’s Word and walking by faith is a lot of work and it can sometimes by hard. Indeed, we (ihlcc) agree but God’s Grace is sufficient for us and yes He is sufficient for you individually. We can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. Yes, we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. However, if you continue to turn (return) your face backwards you will never see a bright future in Christ simply because Jesus is Light you must face Thee Light to see brightness and be brightness. Therefore, as a victorious Child of God do your part to walk according to God’s Word which is eternal, so it is never old (out dated, stale) or never obsolete (irrelevant) but always fresh and renewed (quick, healing and a live). There is no going back (“no return”) in Christ so never let the thought of “returning” enter your mind. Likewise, do not allow yourself the ease of doing things the old way when the new way of Jesus Christ is straight before your eyes. Remember there is no better path than God’s Love, so please follow the straightway of God’s Word by only considering His Way over the old way in Jesus Name. Amen!